The page was born out of my frustration in understanding how the axes were rendered and then appended onto the SVG and the HTML page.
Learning to place elements inside a 'chart area'. That is where it begins. There are many parts to a chart, like the axis, legends, marks or the actual visual. These are attached to the chart part by part. The elements are first appended to a g element, and the g element is appended to the main chart. This lead me to create rectangles of different colors for each part of the visual, and then render rectangles first.
These elements can be placed in many ways on the html webpage. Below the SVG is directly appended to the body of the html page. On that SVG element, the axes are attached.
The color green shows where the data points on the chart will be rendered. Chart area will decide how the points are scaled on the chart area. Yellow area shown below is where the X-axis will get rendered. The script associated with this page has the commented out. Run the page by removing the comment in a live-server the change can be seen...