Creating Grouped Bar Charts

Grouping the bars under one category is a different problem. This page shows how that is being solved.

Below is the list of D3 libraries used to implement the charts

        d3.csv - load and parse data
        d3.scaleOrdinal - x-position encoding and color encoding
        d3.scaleLinear - y-position encoding
        d3.format - SI prefix formatting (e.g., “10M” for 10,000,000)
        d3.max - compute domains
        d3.keys - compute column names
        d3.svg.axis - display axes

One of the challenges I faced was having different styles needed across different charts that is created. The base style of the page is imported through the style.css file outside the page. While the style specific to the charts and page are created using the tag.

Next is combining the grouped and stacked chart with transitions!!!