Mike explains how the Select function works in D3 with in-detail explanation. This page will incorporate those ideas for future reference. As I continue reading, I will make notes of important links and points as list below.
The below svg is having three activities ongoing. The three are showing how the enter, update and exit works. The color of the letter tells whether it is being updated, exited or is newly entered. The color coding is done by changing the class attribute.
var selection = d3.select("body");
const rootElement = document.documentElement; const firstTier = rootElement.childNodes; // firstTier is a NodeList of the direct children of the root element // such as and for (const child of firstTier) { // do something with each direct child of the root element }
Try opening the document.documentElement in the console. The entire page will be inside the console.
document.body.__data__ = 43; is idiomatic with d3.select('body').datum(42)
Using the key function...
function name(d) { return d.name; } // equivalent to d => d.name d3.selectAll('div').data(letters, name);But what happens when there’s no matching element for a given datum, or no matching datum for a given element?
there are three possible logical outcomes:
Update - There was a matching element for a given datum. Enter - There was no matching element for a given datum. Exit - There was no matching datum for a given element.
Following that a series of tutorials on General update pattern is shared by Mike after he explains the selection
d3.select('body') .selectAll('div') .data([1,5,5,7,9]) .enter() .append('div') .text(str => str)
function functor(x) { return function() { return x; }; } // and what it does? var val = functor(10); // val is now a function that // always returns 10 assert.equal(val(), 10);