How fast can a Idea be converted from a thought to reality?
Before I got into the Javascript ride I would have thought, in months. Now, it is matter of hours. It all boils down to Putting your Fingers on the Keyboard. Programming is about text and pictures in the internet, and placing these things on interesting places on the web page.
This site is possible because of Coding Train and the various libraries that made the work of making software a breeze.
The pages in this website/blog/training ground will contain the trials I under take in three different but inter-linked domains. JS allows to implement many algorithms that can provide insights from the data, text, or even pictures. The supporting libraries like RiTa, Compromise, P5 and ML5 adds to the power of JS.
A recurring theme in all the JS libraries that are linked with text, machine learning there is output that needs to be procesed after the library has completed its function. This website is about the using the output and make the web pages. The pages under the Text, ML and P5 have dynamically created content. It was done with heavy use of P5 and moderate use of JS.
All the technology today is geared towards finding the patterns in actions and things that human make, interact, and want. Humans can talk, write, draw, act, and finally show to the world what they want. That is where JS, ML5 and P5 all come together. I hope to enjoy every bit of the concept that I am going to learn and experiment with.