We can do a lot with character, words and sentences. Once they are made into variables inside programs. These variables are called Objects or Class of Objects. The text based data is called Strings. Strings in javascript have lot of features (called methods) which you refer here.
Provide a text file below. (one that has .txt extension)
Number of Words:
Number of letters:
Some parts of this page is created by using html tags. While the data about the files and the data in the files are displayed dynamically using p5js. P5Js has very powerful way to create, locate and attach elements to the existing DOM.
Getting the text file very easy, unlike in vanilla JS there are callbacks and promises involved. P5 abstracts that out. P5 like JQuery gives enough control over the DOM elements and allows a range of features to work with. We will implement the simpler version of N + 7 Swapper that can be found Spoon Bill
Nouns are all around us. Animate or inanimate, they are there in form of things, places, items, trinkets and the list goes on. The challenge is to find the noun in a given text and replace that noun with 7th one following in the dictionary. Provide the text that you want the nouns to be replaced. You can select the file, copy the contents or just drag the file below.
There are some obvious bugs in the below app. The text gets attached every time the "mark changes" and "Make changes" buttons are clicked. Before attaching the texts, need to check if there is something already attached. Or use a simple variable to inform that the elements are already attached.
Drag in your File